Peintres de l'Ame

Peintres de l'Ame
Publisher: Whitford and Hughes
Dimensions: 20 x 21.5
Pages: 36
£ 16.00

Whitford and Hughes. 


Many of the artists represented in this catalogue belonged to one of the various groups, such as the Nabis, Le Groupe des Vingt, or the Vienna Secession and it can be seen that their theories and styles were often very different.

As a collection of individuals, however, they stand united because of their common desire to produce an 'ideal' art, an art that was the result of a state of mind and the embodiment of a personal philosophy, rather that the direct expression of the real. By reason of this common spiritual aim, we can embrace them with one name: 'Paintres de l'Ame'.

Caroline Simon M.A.

of 62