For our Spring exhibition 2021, BENDALL / BERNÈDE : A Story of Painting in Bordeaux, Whitford Fine Art will be hosting private views of the exhibition by appointment only.
To book a private view, please click the button below:
Whitford Fine Art are delighted to present the first exhibition of selected works by Bordelais artists Mildred Bendall (1891-1977) and Georges Bernède (b. 1926), her most important student. Their relationship was unusual and exceptional for the time: a female artist influencing a young male painter of a drastically different social and artistic background. Bendall's teachings and support would prove invaluable to Bernède, she who had held her own against the likes of Marquet and Matisse. Both would bring a love and exploration of colour and unremitting commitment to the advancement of the avant-garde to the art world of Bordeaux, an area of France notorious for its conservatism.
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